Admissions Process

Thank you for your interest in Emerald Heights Academy. We make every effort to ensure that the admissions process is straight forward and easy to follow. The below information is provided to guide you through the process. To fully understand what Emerald Heights Academy has to offer, we strongly encourage a visit to the school for a personal tour

  1. Submit the complete application form with a current photograph and related records for each prospective student. The application and testing fees, if applicable, should be submitted with the completed admissions documentation.
  2. Schedule new student entrance testing for each applicant.
  3. Schedule a parent/guardian interview with the principal.
  4. Following entrance testing, interview and review of records, you will be notified of your child’s admissions status. If accepted, you will receive all the necessary information to complete the admissions and registration process for your child.

Tuition & Fees

Full-Time 2025 - 2026 Tuition Schedule*



(1 payment)


(2 payments)


(10 payments)

K - 8th
Full-day (M-F)

$11,750 $5,875 $1,175

Pre-Kindergarten 4
Half Day (M-Th)


$3,065 $613

*Multiple-student Tuition discount: 10% for second child, 25% for third child, fourth child is FREE.

Full-Time 2025 - 2026 Fees*

Application & Testing Fee $150 per new student
Registration Fee $200 per student (max $500 per family)
Late Registration Fee (returning student) $400 per student
Books/Materials/Activities/Technology/Enrichment Fee

$250 per student - PreK4

$400 per student - K to 4th Grade

$700 per student - 5th to 8th Grade

*Fee schedule is subject to change.

Homeschool Enrichment 2024-2025 Tuition Schedule*


9 Monthly Payments Annual
Kindergarten-8th Grade $555.56 $5,000
*Full program tuition includes optional lunch and recess.

Homeschool Enrichment 2024-2025 Fees

Application $20 per student ($50 max per family)
Registration Fee $100 per student ($250 max per family)
Books, Materials, Activity, Technology Fees

$130 per student - K-4th Grade

$150 per student - 5th-8th Grade


Kindergarten science experiment

Now Enrolling!

Tours happen daily. 

Call 425-643-1671 or register for a tour to see EHA in action. 

Tuition Assistance

Educating your child in the Catholic tradition is a significant investment. We will make every effort to work with your family to place an Emerald Heights education within your financial reach. There are several ways to make to help make this possible:

Payment Options

Plan #1: One annual payment
Plan #2: Two half-yearly payments (May and September)
Plan #3: Ten monthly payments (May through February)

Multiple Child Discounts

1st Child: Full Tuition
2nd Child: 10% Discount
3rd Child: 25% Discount
4th Child: FREE

Financial Aid

Emerald Heights Academy offers tuition assistance for those families who demonstrate financial need. It is available for those families who have been accepted to EHA.

Financial Aid is administered through a partnership with School and Student Services (SSS). Once your child has been accepted for admission to Emerald Height Academy, you may complete an online application and submit supporting documentation at the following link:


School Supplies

All students are responsible for purchasing their own supplies as outlined in the Emerald Heights Academy supply list. This list is distributed to parents before class begins.

Uniform Policy

Emerald Heights Academy students are required to wear school uniforms which families purchase directly from our uniform suppliers, Lands' End. Specific uniform information will be provided upon acceptance to Emerald Heights Academy.

You may also visit the Lands' End website at to preview uniform items. EHA's school code for Lands' End is: 900145574.